Web Users Group

The Web Users Group (WUG) is a forum and support network for 香港六合彩玄机 Michigan University web and social media managers and content creators. WUG meets monthly and provides opportunities to:



Get to know other members and find ways to combine efforts.

Share knowledge

Share ideas, best practices and problem-solving topics.

Ask questions

Ask questions and get assistance with issues.

Leadership team

Interested in serving on the leadership team? Listed are basic roles and responsibilities for the positions available. All positions should attend WUG meetings held each month and leadership meetings when scheduled. Please contact WUG if you are interested in serving on the leadership team.


Leads each meeting, schedules topics and arranges speakers.

Vice president:

Backs up the president and leads meetings in their absence.


Takes notes at each meeting and uploads them to the WUG Teams site. Also, makes any needed updates to the website.

Member at large:

Gives input at leadership meetings.

WUG's history

The Web Users Group was created in 1999 to:

  • Provide a forum and support network for WMU web publishers.
  • Help develop guidelines for consistent design across University sites.
  • Utilize the collective strength and serve as an influential presence on campus.
  • Endorse the University's statement on shared objectives and values for the web.